Bridging the Adult Care Gap
Some adults have physical, social, cognitive, emotional, or health challenges that prevent them from functioning without special assistance. With the right support in place, many can delay or prevent placement in nursing home care.
Adult Day Services is a daytime healthcare program serving adults with a variety of unique needs—including age-related, health-related, or developmental disabilities. For over 30 years, our licensed healthcare team has provided structured therapeutic activities and other assistive personalized services to adults in need—in a safe and compassionate environment conducive to personal and social well-being.
Our primary goal is to maintain or improve each participant’s level of functioning, enabling them to remain within the family or community structure for as long as possible.

What is Adult Day Services? Watch the video below to learn more.
The National Adult Day Services Association (NADSA) is the leading voice of the rapidly growing adult day services (ADS) sector and the national focal point for ADS providers. Our members include adult day center providers, state associations of providers, corporations, educators, students, retired workers and others interested in working to build better lives for adults in adult day programs every day. We are positively impacting the lives of participants, families, communities and our nation. Learn more
Allison Szuba and Kris Chana discuss Adult Day at the 2019 National Adult Day Services Conference.

Our Partners
Ben Franklin Transit Dial-A-Ride and Mid-Columbia Meals-On-Wheels provide transportation and hot meals paid for by Adult Day Services. Columbia Center Rotary has provided generous funding for many of our client activities.
Aging and Long Term Care (ALTC), and Home & Community Services of DSHS provide ADS with the bulk of client referrals.
Leading Age of Washington advocates for Adult Day Services programs with the state legislature in helping ensure continuity of service for our community. The National Adult Day Services Association provides education, training, and legislative assistance at the highest level.