Our caring and friendly staff works diligently to care for clients and provide excellent service to families who trust us with their loved ones.
Melinda French RN, Director of Nursing
Mandy Walling,
Registered Nurse
Mika Maya,
Social Work Coordinator
Samantha Draisey
Administrative Assistant/CNA
Anabel Rivera
Speech Therapy Aide
Ann Markham
CNA, Physical Therapy Aide
Ginger Campbell, RN
Per Diem
Denise Konzek, RN
Per Diem
Elizabeth "Liz" Mango, RN
Per Diem
Cindy Lopez
Shanna Chafin
Haqi Al Rubai
Kitchen Coordinator
Angela Sharrer
Lori Wickersham
Ward Clerk
Anna Borjas
Erica Olmos
Domynique Patrick
Cori Thurnau
Activities Assistant
Lerina Bravo
Personal care aide
Lacie Barnett, MSW
In Loving Memory
Lacie received her Master's Degree in the field of Social Work from Walla Walla College in 2000. She worked at Adult Day Services for over 17 years. Her primary duties include completing intake assessments, mental status exams, coordinating referrals, and communicating with all state case managers. She offers brief counseling and supports life skills group activities. She enjoys her time with the clients and feels blessed to be working with such a diverse population and staff who feel more like family than coworkers. She left us and this world much too soon and is greatly missed!